Top Tips for Success in Your E-Commerce

The advancement of online stores, the relevance of social networks and everything that surrounds digital marketing requires entrepreneurs willing to take risks, to invest, to adapt, this will give a result: Success in Your E-Commerce.

E-commerce demands more and more content strategies, and a good use of social media, all this compendium will give you the guidelines to achieve success in your online business.

At Genwords, during this 2015, we consulted specialists in each field to find out the news and movements that the world of marketing requires.


Achieve Success in Your E-Commerce What Do You Need?

# 1 Agile digital marketing strategies

In an interview carried out by Tiago Horbatow, Diana Joppert, Marketing Manager of , the field presented is positive and the new communication and marketing platforms are conquering large portions of the market.

For Diana, electronic commerce in Latin America is “a promising market for both new businesses and established brands.”

For this brand management expert, the passing of the years allowed the evolution of tools that make it easier for companies to offer complete and better services.

This means that the path has been made shorter to achieve   Success in Your E-Commerce

The growth of e-commerce generated a trend in which new entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs decide to open their business on the internet, a way that according to the interviewee seems more viable than a traditional business.

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Diana Joppert says that selling online has its own challenges and that digital marketing strategies represent something similar to points of sale in traditional stores.

It is these strategies that will mark the level of Success in Your E-Commerce and  in obtaining clients.

Diana states: “The essential thing is to have a good web analytics tool installed, Google Analytics, is one of the main ones and it is free. She will allow you to see which channels your clients are coming from and will help you to always invest in very specific segments ”.

# 2 Technological advancement increased demand for content

For Lucas Velho , account manager at Vert Inteligencia Digital, the place that a brand occupies in the customer’s mind is essential .

In this sense, this advertising specialist affirms that content marketing has become a fundamental tool for the strategic planning of a company and achieving Success in Your E-Commerce.

“If you have strong, engaging content that engages your customers and can even turn it into sales and customer retention, it means your audience is approving of your content.”

From this statement by Lucas Velho, the need to differentiate your brand from the rest is understood . Social networks play a very important role in this regard.

The possibilities of consuming content by the user increased, therefore an increasingly valuable and creative content is demanded .

In the face of so many social networks , the brand that stands out is the one that attracts customers. Ads are not so important anymore.

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The key to achieving Success in Your E-Commerce is to understand your consumers very well, since in social networks they will permanently access a large amount of content.

Another aspect to take into account is that the possible client became mobile , since the use of this type of device for electronic commerce grew considerably.


# 3 Maintain a profile on social media

Arnold Oliveira , a specialist in social media, explains how a company must behave on social networks to achieve its objective. The challenge is to know the audience, make your brand known and considered “important” .

In turn, it is essential that your company maintains a defined profile and a consistent and constant style of social participation. You must monitor and analyze the behavior of your target audience and then take action.

This highlights the need to build a coherent social media profile . In addition, it is key to achieve the main objective of any brand, to make the client notice that there is someone behind the profile to serve and care for them.

Social networks are the shortest way to reach users, build trust and brand engagement.

About techguruadmin

Akshitha is a Digital Marketing Expert and Founder of She has been working on her own blogging projects which provide solutions to users in the field of Technology, Internet Knowledge, and "How to " based content. As an experienced Digital Marketer, She believes Content is everything online.

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