Thanks to the digital transformation and the 2.0 world, digital marketing (or online marketing ) has become the ‘best friend’ of small, medium and large companies. Through the correct planning and management of digital marketing strategies it is possible to achieve our objectives on the Internet: that our company or brand has a presence on the network, in addition to reaching the maximum number of potential customers possible.

Today, there are no borders anymore: decades ago we said goodbye to time limits and location limits. Today if we have a presence on the Internet, thanks to the correct management of social networks , having a website or online store , we can connect with clients from other continents. Sounds good, right?

Before delving into digital marketing , we recommend you take a look at previous articles that are surely of interest to you:


Let’s start at the beginning. The digital marketing could be defined as all actions and strategies 2.0 carried out through media and online channels : web pages , blog , social networks , video platforms (like YouTube ), digital advertising … the online marketing is a discipline that takes transferring offline techniques to the digital field since the 90s. One of its fundamental characteristics is immediacy , which allows you to take full advantage of online resources (in addition to the large number of opportunities that we can ’embrace’ thanks to the Internet) to enhance a business or brand.


In order to better understand the evolution of digital marketing, it is essential to analyze the change that the Internet has undergone. Initially, online marketing was based on web 1.0, but with the progress of the online universe, it went to web 2.0. But how exactly do they differ ?:

Web 1.0

  • One-way communication: companies were the senders and consumers the receivers of communication
  • Online community does not exist : users do not group through the Internet in communities with similar tastes to theirs
  • Outdated information: content is in the background
  • Static content: as there is a one-way communication, it is not given great importance to ‘impact’ users through content
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Web 2.0

  • Two-way communication : companies and consumers emit and receive information
  • Online community exists : when users can communicate with companies over the Internet, they are grouped into online communities
  • Collaborative communication: the figure of the sender and receiver no longer exists. The feedback becomes the protagonist
  • Constantly updated information
  • Dynamic content : content becomes the ‘king’, becoming a key element to attract the attention of the target audience



When thinking about digital marketing , we inevitably think about the use and management of social networks . But online marketing is made up of various elements and channels. Below we list the main pillars:


The social media helps us to ‘build’ (and increase) the presence of our Internet business. Through the various social platforms , consumers communicate with brands of their interest to stay up to date on new products, gather information, express their doubts or complaints … Making use of social platforms for your business will always be a success! Of course, it is not necessary to be in all … the important thing is to know by heart which social networks are the most used by your ‘ buyer person’ (final or potential consumer) in order to be able to interact with them quickly and effectively.


The content marketing or content marketing has become one of the digital marketing strategies key to success. Content has been gaining weight, currently generating quality content is a must to attract a certain target , which is undoubtedly the main protagonist of the 2.0 dimension. Consumers through the Internet have at their disposal any type of content (anytime, anywhere) at their fingertips. This has resulted in the need to offer attractive, relevant, current and above all quality content, published on our website or blog .

The marketing content , provided it is carried out in a correct way, we will help to increase web traffic , the engagement and positioning : necessary factors in converting lead (consumer has become subscriber).


Reaching a good position has become almost an obsession. But what exactly is it? We could define search engine positioning as the process to follow to achieve high visibility of our website   in the search results of any search engine (such as Google). In short, get our site to appear on the first pages of Google.

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It is important to link two concepts: positioning and content marketing , making this combination will result in optimal SEO positioning . If you want to know how to create an SEO Friendly post to improve your search engine rankings, you can take note and follow our advice.


The SEO positioning, Search Engine Optimization , encompasses those strategies to achieve (without spending a penny on advertising) a good organic positioning . That is, getting our website to appear in the first search results based on constant work on our site . It should be noted that SEO results are long-term.


SEM is the acronym for Search Engine Marketing , which refers to all the actions carried out to achieve a paid position . The Google Adwords tool will be our best ally when it comes to carrying out advertising campaigns that help us increase our SEM: sponsored links, display advertising , Google Shopping or video, are some types of advertising offered by Google.


In the 2.0 universe it is essential to listen to consumers . These have become content creators , which can greatly favor (or harm) the image of our brand. Users today seek peer-to-peer information, corporate messages have taken a back seat. For this reason, carrying out this digital communication strategy , the PR Digital , will help us to massify the information in relation to our company to influence consumer decisions. PR Digital is therefore the fusion of content marketing with public relations under the use of social networks .


The email marketing is a communication technique performed by a brand or company through emails to ‘attract’ or send information to your potential customers. This digital marketing strategy is very interesting to ‘exploit’, since it allows in a non-invasive way to make content of interest to consumers available. One of the most attractive characteristics of email marketing is that it allows the same content to be adapted to each consumer, thus achieving a greater return on investment . Plus, your investment is minimal!


At this point, you are surely wondering what are the benefits of digital marketing . We can affirm that online marketing is a safe bet to improve your positioning , increase the presence of your business on the Internet and expand our online communication. In addition to these three fundamental benefits, we offer you some of the many advantages of digital marketing :

  • Lower investment
  • Campaign control in real time
  • Ability to measure and analyze the entirety of each campaign
  • Market segmentation
  • Opportunity to test
  • Greater feedback with the consumer
  • Communication with the client automatically
  • Increased consumer confidence
  • No geographical or time limits
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To finish with a good taste in the mouth, we wanted to remember three success stories from world-famous brands. But remember! Digital marketing is not only within the reach of large companies …


In 2013, Dove decided to leave ‘stereotypes’ behind and employ women with real bodies in their campaigns. Consumers were tired of seeing perfect silhouettes on television that affected their self-esteem. Dove listened to his audience and the result was a real blast. The ‘sketches of real beauty’ were based on testimonials from real consumers, who were unable to see their natural beauty. Dove’s message penetrated deep into consumers, and it became a digital marketing campaign that, in addition to containing a shocking message, made use of social platforms to quickly reach the audience.


The world famous Coca-Cola soft drink brand does its ‘work’ in the field online very well. First of all, it has a clear target (young people, millennials ) with which it connects and, above all, ‘captivates’ through various social networks : Instagram , Facebook , Twitter , Snapchat , YouTube … Chance? Of course not! Coca-Cola uses the platforms most used by its public to be always present in the minds of its consumers, in addition to interacting with them.


The Starbucks chain created its own social network ‘ My Starbucks idea’ so that its customers could express ideas or suggestions regarding the brand. Registered users, in addition to giving their opinions, can also value the ideas of other consumers. Through the use of social networks , Starbucks put into practice how extremely useful it is to use new platforms to promote feedback with users. Which also help generate engagement and increase the brand’s online reputation . How? Making customers feel that their opinion matters.


The digital marketing makes available a wide range of possibilities (and tools) to be exploited and implemented in the right way, we ‘click’ on the correct key to connect effectively with our target audience. It is always important to have advice and guidance from professionals in the sector.

About techguruadmin

Akshitha is a Digital Marketing Expert and Founder of todaytechguru.com. She has been working on her own blogging projects which provide solutions to users in the field of Technology, Internet Knowledge, and "How to " based content. As an experienced Digital Marketer, She believes Content is everything online.

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