LinkedIn Ads will undoubtedly be a fundamental option to implement within your social media strategy. Social networks have become one of the best allies for any organization. Every day, millions of people spend hours and hours “hooked” through the screen of their smartphone to these social platforms , which help connect and interact with countless users or brands.

Being present on the Internet is essential, since  social networks provide a lot of benefits . The social network advertising has been incorporated into the list social media strategy of most companies. Among the digital media is  LinkedIn , considered  the quintessential professional social network  that enables the generation of potential leads and contacts with great effectiveness  . As we already mentioned,  Social Selling  has become your ideal partner!

This time, we will focus on  LinkedIn Ads , but don’t forget that you can also discover (or remember)  how to advertise on social networks through Facebook Ads , Twitter Ads , Instagram Ads , YouTube and Pinterest .


If we ask you to mention a professional social network , surely LinkedIn is the first option that appears in your mind. This is precisely one of its added values. Most professionals and companies from different sectors gather through it, carrying out effective networking actions  .

Nowadays having a network of contacts is essential! On the other hand, as it is a tool for exclusive professional use,  investing in LinkedIn campaigns can  promote our ROI , especially if our activity is related to B2B ( Business to Business ).


  • 8 out of 10 users are at least 35 years old, this means that their purchasing power is likely to be medium or high, and that the majority of them are working or actively seeking employment.
  • 65% of journalists have used it as a source of information
  • There are more than 500 million registered professionals
  • More than 9 million registered companies
  • It is present in 200 countries
  • LinkedIn has surpassed 500 million monthly active users worldwide
  • It has 106 million monthly active users and 1.5 million groups
  • 43% of Marketing professionals in the United States have found at least one client through this social network
    • Over 100,000 articles shared weekly
    • 71% of professionals feel that LinkedIn is a credible source of professional content
    • Connection time: 53% of LinkedIn users only spend zero to two hours on the site per week
    • 41% of millionaires use LinkedIn
    • The cost of the average CTR on LinkedIn is higher than compared to other social networks, but it is also much more effective segmented
    • 79% of Business to Business (B2B) merchants see LinkedIn as an effective source to generate leads
    • 92% of Business to Business marketers take advantage of
      LinkedIn on all other social platforms
Read More:   10 Trends in social networks for 2020


First of all, from your LinkedIn account, access the LinkedIn Ads control panel , once inside you will see the three types of existing campaigns:

1.Sponsored content. Interact with your target audience in the LinkedIn feed and beyond.

  • Publishing content on the LinkedIn feed , the site most visited by its members.
  • Segmenting the target from the accurate information and first – hand professional profiles.
  • Increased visibility, generating potential quality customers and their subsequent relationship.

2. Text ads. Attract traffic from any computer with easy to create ads.

  • Easy ad creation.
  • Generate quality traffic and attract potential clients.
  • Click-to-print will only pay for ads that work.

3. Sponsored InMail messages . I want to send segmented messages directly to the most relevant people for my company.

  • Increase the conversion rate through personalized messages.
  • Reach those audiences with a greater interest for your company, from mobile devices or computers.
  • Evaluation of the performance of the messages in relation to the target audience.


First, you need to go to ” sponsored content ” and click ” select “. Once this is done, a new window will appear to fill in the following fields: account name, currency and search for your company page . In the event that you do not have any created yet, by clicking on ” create new ” you can easily create it.

Step 1. Campaign information

It’s time to choose a  name  for your campaign, and the  language  to reach your target audience. This time, LinkedIn Ads lets you choose two options when it comes to  “what do you want to happen when members click on your ads?” You can choose between:

  • Direct people to your website or content.  You will generate traffic to your website through the clicks generated on your ads, thus maximizing interaction with the content. Your company page will be able to increase its number of followers using the “follow” button, without forgetting to also track the conversion after analyzing the people who have seen your ads.
  • Collect potential customer information with LinkedIn lead generation forms. It increases the possibility of converting potential contacts into qualified clients directly by LinkedIn, through the information gathered about the company in which they work, what position they occupy, what is their sector … On the other hand, the cost per contact will also be measured, the generation rate and what type of audience is becoming a possible contact.

 It is up to you to decide which one best suits the objectives to be met.

Step 2. Ad content

You can choose to promote a publication that you have already published on your company page, or ” create new content “. If you prefer to promote an existing one, all you have to do is select it and click on “selected content”.


But if what you prefer is to create a completely new content, you must select the ” create content ” button that appears in the upper right.

Step 3. Create campaign

It is time to create your ad, now you just have to choose a name for the Ad, describe the campaign and include the link where you want to divert your audience. Now you can save!

 Step 4. Choose sponsor

If you go back to the previous tab, your campaign list will show the one you just created. By selecting it, at the top right you can click on “Selected Sponsor”. 

Step 5. Segmentation

At this point it is essential that you are very clear to the audience you want to target, since you can both add and exclude locations , sector of activity , positions , age , sex , years of experience , skills … LinkedIn allows you to perform a segmentation of the most exhaustive if you want!


LinkedIn allows with this type of Ad, the creation of small messages that will appear in the sidebar or in the top bar.

Step 1. Campaign information

Within our Ads control panel, we must section ” Create campaign ” and choose ” Create text ad campaign “. Once inside, we can choose the name of the campaign as the language . The next step will be to choose if we want our ad to promote our website or our company page (on LinkedIn).


First of all,  what is an InMail message ?  They are a type of private message sent through the social network LinkedIn, their objective is that you can contact your target in a private way, always respecting their privacy and advising that the content you are sending them is a sponsored message.

What difference does this type of messages have with the “normal” private ones? Simple! LinkedIn only allows you to send private messages for free as long as the recipient is in your network.

You must follow the same line of action as in the two previous cases, always within your LinkedIn control panel.

  1. “Create campaign”, “Create sponsored InMail messages campaign “
  2. Choose language and name of the campaign
  3. Choose the person who will appear as the recipient of the message
    1. Enter web page: it is time to enter the URL of your website, which will appear within your message, you can also choose a Call-to-Action .


If you prefer that your campaigns carried out on LinkedIn Ads are carried out by professionals, you must allow their access to your company page, so that other people can manage your ads.

Step 1. Access your LinkedIn Ads control panel

Step 2. Add administrators

Within your company page, you must add those LinkedIn users that you want to manage your page and, in turn, launch and manage the campaigns. To do this, you just have to press the ” administrator tools ” button , and then ” page administrators “.

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If your company page already has several administrators, they will all appear as a list, which you can modify whenever you want. To add a new administrator, you must enter the name of the LinkedIn user and specify the type of access you allow to your company page.

Administrator types:

  1. Designated Administrator –  Allows employees to make changes to the company page, add other administrators, and post company updates.
  2. Recruiter Advertiser –  Allows Recruitment Technicians to post company updates on behalf of the company.
  3. Direct Sponsored Content Advertiser –  Gives your company’s marketers the ability to share content in the feed on the home page of LinkedIn members. Take a look at some frequently asked questions about  direct sponsored content .
  4. Contact Generation Form Manager   Allows assigned administrators to download contacts from the Campaign Manager.


LinkedIn allows us to track the campaigns carried out , quantifying conversions , including content downloads , the number of registered users , purchases made , etc.

The campaign manager of LinkedIn Ads, comes incorporated with a system of real-time analysis of the advertising made through this social network (on all types of device), in addition to calculating the benefit of advertising spending , the cost per conversion and the conversion rate.


  • Step 1. Access the LinkedIn Campaign Manager , and choose the conversion tracking target . 
  • Step 2. We click on the ” tools ” button located at the top right, and select ” Conversion Tracking “
  • Step 3. Add the LinkedIn Insight Tag on our website . and. Then we will copy the code of the LinkedIn Insight tag. We advise you to insert this code in all the pages of the website.
  • Step 4. It is time to create a conversion action. LinkedIn tells us what events it will consider as a conversion, such as when a user fills out a form or downloads a PDF from a website.
  • Step 5. In this last step we must configure and assign conversions to our campaigns. To create a new conversion we must choose a name that identifies the objective of the conversion of that campaign. Then we will choose the type of conversion that LinkedIn provides us, its value in euros, the website and the URL.
  • Save the changes, and voila!


Did you know that LinkedIn has a so-called ” Marketing Solutions “? This type of campaign is aimed at helping large companies in the areas of Branding , Lead and Content Marketing , providing numerous options when establishing relationships between the company and its professional target.

Of course, the minimum budget is  25,000 US $ per quarter … Yes, you read correctly!

To conclude we advise you, if it is the first time that you launch a campaign through this professional network,  the best way to start is through sponsored content.  Why? The display ads provided by LinkedIn are very small, in addition to being easily ignorable by users. In contrast, sponsored posts have better options.

After this extensive tour of LinkedIn Ads, you no longer have an excuse to launch your campaigns through LinkedIn!

If you want additional information or need advice on how to carry out advertising campaigns on LinkedIn or other social networks, do not hesitate to contact us ! From The Social Media Family, digital marketing agencyin Madrid , we will be in singing to resolve doubts about any topic rationed with digital marketing.

About techguruadmin

Akshitha is a Digital Marketing Expert and Founder of She has been working on her own blogging projects which provide solutions to users in the field of Technology, Internet Knowledge, and "How to " based content. As an experienced Digital Marketer, She believes Content is everything online.

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